Use Cases

Provider Profiling and Engagement – Payer

April 12th, 2019
Performance Assessment

Johns Hopkins HealthCare (JHHC), the managed care arm of Johns Hopkins, created Provider Profile reports leveraging outputs from the Johns Hopkins ACG System to build a comprehensive Provider Engagement program.


Population Segmentation of Frail Patients – Government

January 10th, 2019
Population Health

Three Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) analyzed their local populations as part of a new national initiative to address the care of people who are frail.  Learn more.


Care Management Program in Israel – Payer

September 24th, 2018
Care Management

Clalit Health (an integrated delivery system in Israel) used the ACG System to identify high-risk patients for enrollment in a comprehensive complex care management program for its multimorbid population. This led to a reduction in length of time spent in the hospital, reductions in readmission rates and lower costs.


Casemix Adjustment in Leicester – Payer

September 11th, 2018
Performance Assessment

This Case Study shows how Leicester City CCG, one of the most ethnically diverse areas of the UK, analyzed emergency admission rates for all practices, to learn that practices with lower emergency admission rates had significantly higher coding completeness and GP patient survey scores.


Data Visualization and Patient Identification – Military

September 11th, 2018
Population Health

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) supports the delivery of integrated, affordable, and high-quality health services to Military Health System (MHS) beneficiaries and is responsible for […]

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