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Exploring the Johns Hopkins Aggregated Diagnosis Groups in administrative data as a measure of child health

This study explored the utility of the Johns Hopkins Aggregated Diagnostic Groups (ADGs) as a noncategorical measure of child health in administrative health data. Canadian […]

The hassle of wellness: do peers and health status matter?

In: Population Association of America, eds. 2014 Annual Meeting, Population Association of America. Princeton, NJ, USA: Population Association of America. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA […]

A data-driven approach towards patient identification for telehealth programs

2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data :2551-2559. Robert Bosch (US), Palo Alto, CA, USA Telehealth provides an opportunity to reduce healthcare costs through remote […]

An actuarial perspective on healthcare expenditure in the last year of life

Washington, DC: International Congress of Actuaries. University of Cape Town, South Africa The aim of this paper is to highlight the key methodological considerations in […]

A hierarchical multivariate two-part model for profiling providers’ effects on health care changes

J Am Statistical Assoc 101:911-923. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA Procedures for analyzing and comparing health care providers’ effects on […]

Risk adjustment in state Medicaid programs

Health Watch :14-17, 32-34. Denver, Colorado, office of Wakely Consulting Group This article discusses some of the most important considerations in implementing risk adjustment within […]

Health-based risk adjustment: application to premium development and profiling

In: Wrightson CW, eds. Financial strategy for managed care organizations: rate setting, risk adjustment, and competitive advantage. Ann Arbor, MI, USA: Health Administration Press:165-225. Health […]

Evaluation of casemix adjustment methods for the Massachusetts Division of Medical Assistance

Massachusetts Rate Setting Commission. Final report and recommendation. Boston, MA, USA: Massachusetts Rate Setting Commission. Massachusetts Rate Setting Commission, Boston, MA, USA We investigated methods […]

How well do models work? Predicting health care costs

In: American Statistical Association, eds. Proceedings of the Section on Statistics in Epidemiology. Alexandria, VA, USA: American Statistical Association:42-49. Department of General Internal Medicine, Boston […]

A risk stratification model for adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea: development and evaluation

Toronto, ON, Canada: Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada STUDY HYPOTHESES: We hypothesize that the apnea-hypopneas index (AHI), […]

Studying effects of primary care physicians and patients on the trade-off between charges for primary care and specialty care using a hierarchical multivariate two-part model

Department of Biostatistics Working Paper 51. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA OBJECTIVE. To examine effects of primary care […]

An incentive mechanism for using risk adjuster to reimburse health care provider

York, UK: University of York. University of York, York, UK Health care providers are almost always universally reimbursed by third party purchasers. As a result, […]

Prompt reduction in use of medications for comorbid conditions after bariatric surgery

Rockville, MD, USA: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA BACKGROUND. Bariatric surgery leads to weight loss, but it is […]

The dynamic effects of medical risk costs: evidence from quantile regression

Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 14:843-868. This paper adopted the quantile regression (QR) estimator to assess the effects of the medical utilization factors (changes […]

An economic analysis of secure messaging between patients and providers

Seattle, WA, USA: University of Washington (doctoral dissertation). University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA This dissertation presents an economic analysis of patient-provider communication through secure […]

Comorbilidad y discapacidad en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca

Madrid, Spain: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (doctoral dissertation). Published in Spanish. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain INTRODUCCIÓN: La insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) es un problema […]

Thiazolidinedione use and risk of hospitalization for pneumonia in type 2 diabetes:  population based matched case-control study

F1000Research 2:145. Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA OBJECTIVE: Previous randomized clinical trials and their meta-analyses […]

Case Mix Adjustment Case Study – Payer

This Case Study shows how Leicester City CCG, one of the most ethnically diverse areas of the UK, analyzed emergency admission rates for all practices, to learn that practices with lower emergency admission rates had significantly higher coding completeness and GP patient survey scores. Learn more.

Facilitating Equity and Efficiency in Primary Health Care

Johns Hopkins University Facilitating Equity & Efficiency in Primary Health Care, Malaysia using the ACG Case Mix System Dr Karen Kinder Executive Director

Tuesday-Re-thinking ACG fundamentals-Kitching and Heim

HealthPartners Risk Adjustment in Total Cost of Care & Resource Use: Re-Thinking Risk Adjustment Chad Heim Gary Kitching

Monday-US Health Reform-Ewald

Minnesota Department of Human Services The MN Health Care Home Initiative and ACG Dean Ewald

Monday-Care Coordination II-Haas

Mayo Clinic Assessment of Risk Stratification Methods Identifying Patients for Care Coordination within a Medical Home Lindsey R. Haas, MPH

Pilot study using Risk Stratification in Thames

Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group Using ACG to Support Delivery of Integrated Care Anna Raleigh, Consultant in Public Health Dr Caoimhe O Sullivan, Public Health Principal […]

Health Insurance Marketplace

DST Health Solutions Health Insurance Marketplace Amy Salls

Monday(C4)-Identifying Near Term Heath Cost Risk in the Absence of Claims Data—Bernard Khomenko

Identifying Near Term Heath Cost Risk  in the Absence of Claims Data   —Bernard Khomenko, CEBS Vice President of Client Solutions, Data Smart Solutions 

Tuesday(C8)-Using the ACG Software for a Full Picture of Population Risk Under the Accountable Care Act (ACA)-Salls and Bodycombe

Using the ACG Software for a Full Picture of Population Risk Under the Accountable Care Act (ACA) —Amy Salls, DST Health Solutions  David Bodycombe, Johns […]

The Future of the ACG System

Hadi Kharrazi, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health talks about EMRs, other future data sources and […]

Incident atrial fibrillation in the emergency department in Ontario: a population-based retrospective cohort study of follow-up care

CMAJ Open 3:E182. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada BACKGROUND: Continuity of care has been shown to […]

Comprehensive preventive care assessments for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Ontario – Part 2: 2003-2014

Objective To determine if there has been an increase in preventive care among adults with IDD as a result of the publication of the Canadian […]

Association between method of pelvic organ prolapse repair involving the vaginal apex and re-operation: a population-based, retrospective cohort study

Abstract Introduction and hypothesis Vaginal apical suspension is essential for the surgical treatment of pelvic organ prolapse (POP). We aim to evaluate whether the method […]

Patient-reported symptoms following mastectomy alone or lumpectomy plus radiation for early stage breast cancer: a cohort study

Abstract Purpose Studies examining symptom differences between surgeries for breast cancer patients rarely incorporate the effects of adjuvant treatment choice. We sought to understand differences […]

Rapid repeat pregnancy among women with intellectual and developmental disabilities: a population-based cohort study

Abstract   BACKGROUND Rapid repeat pregnancy within 12 months of a live birth is associated with adverse perinatal outcomes. We evaluated the risk for rapid […]

Comparing Survey-Based Frailty Assessment to Medicare Claims in Predicting Health Outcomes and Utilization in Medicare Beneficiaries

Abstract   Objectives To assess two models for the prediction of health utilization and functions using standardized in-person assessments of frailty and administrative claims-based geriatric […]

Association of Care Management Intensity With Healthcare Utilization in an All-Condition Care Management Program

ABSTRACT Objectives: To identify care needs among Medicaid and Medicare patients in an all-condition care management program involving case managers (CMs) and community health workers (CHWs), […]

One-Year Mortality After Emergency Department Visit for Nonfatal Opioid Poisoning: A Population-Based Analysis

Abstract Study objective We aim to characterize the incidence and risk factors for opioid-related and all-cause mortality in the year after an emergency department (ED) […]

Colonoscopy resource availability and its association with the colorectal cancer diagnostic interval: A population‐based cross‐sectional study

Abstract Background Colonoscopy is a key resource used to diagnose colorectal cancer (CRC). This study evaluated the relationship between colonoscopy availability and the length of […]

Variation in care of patients with elderly-onset inflammatory bowel disease in Ontario, Canada: A population-based cohort study

Abstract Background Variation in health care, when not based on patient preference, may result in poorer care. We determined whether variation in health services utilization, […]

Mental Health Services Provision in Primary Care and Emergency Department Settings: Analysis of Blended Fee-for-Service and Blended Capitation Models in Ontario, Canada

Abstract Treating mental illnesses in primary care is increasingly emphasized to improve access to mental health services. Although family physicians (FPs) or general practitioners are […]

Impact of Frailty on Clinical Outcomes after Carotid Artery Revascularization

Abstract Objectives : Frailty has been increasingly recognized as an important risk factor for vascular procedures. To assess the impact of frailty on clinical outcomes and […]

Health Status of Females Who Experience Incarceration: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study

Abstract Background People who experience incarceration have poor health across a variety of indicators, but we lack population-level data on the health of females in […]

Concurrent hiatal hernia repair and bariatric surgery: outcomes after sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

Abstract Background Hiatal hernias are often repaired concurrently with bariatric surgery to reduce risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease–related complications. Objectives To examine the association between […]

Explanatory Ability of the ACG System Regarding the Utilization and Expenditure of the National Health Insurance Population in Taiwan—A 5-year Analysis

ABSTRACT Background The adjusted clinical group (ACG) is a diagnosis-based case-mix adjustment system, which has been widely evaluated in several countries other than Taiwan. The […]

Impact of Frailty on Clinical and Financial Outcomes Following Minor Lower Extremity Amputation: A Nationwide Analysis

Abstract Objective Frailty has been shown to portend worse outcomes in surgical patients. Our goal was to identify the impact of frailty on outcomes and […]

Predicting Future Health Risk in COPD: Differential Impact of Disease-Specific and Multi-Morbidity-Based Risk Stratification

Abstract Objective Multi-morbidity contributes to mortality and hospitalisation in COPD, but it is uncertain how this interacts with disease severity in risk prediction. We compared […]

A Population-Based Analysis of Long-Term Outcomes Among Older Adults Requiring Unexpected Intensive Care Unit Admission After Cancer Surgery

Abstract Background High-intensity cancer surgery is increasingly common among older adults. However, these patients are at high-risk for unexpected intensive care unit (ICU) admissions after […]

Pain and haemorrhage are the most common reasons for emergency department use and hospital admission in adults following ambulatory surgery: results of a population-based cohort study

Abstract Background Advances in healthcare delivery have allowed for the increase in the number of ambulatory surgery procedures performed in Canada. Despite these advances, patients […]

Intensive Use of Forensic Inpatient Services by People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Ontario, Canada: Prevalence and Associated Characteristics

Abstract Background People with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) are reportedly intensive users of forensic inpatient services. Methods Using administrative data, we identified people with and without […]

Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in cancer versus non-cancer-patients: A population-based study in northeastern Italy

Abstract Introduction This study assesses the risk of infection and clinical outcomes in a large consecutive population of cancer and non-cancer patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 […]

The impact of frailty on adjuvant treatment in patients with head and neck free flap reconstruction—A retrospective study using two independent frailty scores

Abstract Objectives Reconstructive surgery may result in prolonged postoperative recovery, especially in frail patients, which in turn may impact delivery of adjuvant therapy. To date, […]

Does End-of-Life Care Differ for Anglophones and Francophones? A Retrospective Cohort Study of Decedents in Ontario, Canada

Abstract Background: Approximately half of decedents in Ontario, Canada, receive some palliative care, but little is known about the influence of language on the nature of […]

Identifying High Risk COVID-19 Patients Q&A

During the current health care crisis, health systems, health plans and governments urgently need to identify their most vulnerable patient populations. The Johns Hopkins ACG […]

Predictive Modeling Part I – An Introduction to the Basics

This webinar is an introduction to the basics of predictive modelling and provides an overview of the predictive models that are available within the Johns […]

Comparative effectiveness of olmesartan and other angiotensin receptor blockers in diabetes mellitus: retrospective cohort study

Hypertension 63:977-983. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Olmesartan has been linked with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality and sprue-like enteropathy. We compared outcomes between […]

Variations in primary care physician referral rates

Health Serv Res 34:323-329. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA OBJECTIVE: To examine primary care physician referral rate variations, including their extent and their stability […]

Increased suicidal activity following major trauma: a population-based study

J Trauma Acute Care Surg 76:180-184. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada; University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA; University of Regina, Regina, […]

Multimorbidity in risk stratification tools to predict negative outcomes in adult population

Eur J Intern Med 26:182-189. Basque Institute for Healthcare Innovation, Barakaldo, Spain; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy; Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA), Rome, […]

Direct medical costs and source of cost differences across the spectrum of cognitive decline: A population-based study

Alzheimers Dement. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA; K Long Health Economics Consulting LLC, St. Paul, MN, USA; AbbVie, North Chicago, IL, USA BACKGROUND: Objective cost […]

Physicians and prepaid group practices

Health Aff W4:76-78. Commonwealth Fund, New York, NY, USA Prepaid group practices (PGPs) are complex organizations that directly combine prepayment for health care with a […]

Impact of case mix severity on quality improvement in a patient-centered medical home (PCMH) in the Maryland Multi-Payor Program

J Am Board Fam Med 29:116-125. University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD, USA; Department […]

A population-based study comparing patterns of care delivery on the quality of care for persons living with HIV in Ontario

BMJ Open 5:e007428. Bruyère Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada; University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Institute for Clinical […]

Trends and determinants of prescription drug use during pregnancy and postpartum in British Columbia, 2002-2011: a population-based cohort study

PLoS One 10:e0128312. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada PURPOSE: To describe trends, patterns, and determinants of prescription drug use during pregnancy and postpartum. […]

The use of long-acting beta2- agonists as monotherapy in children and adults

J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol 20:e1. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada BACKGROUND: In asthma, it is recommended […]

Selection bias from requiring patients to give consent to examine data for health services research

Arch Fam Med 9:1111-1118. Department of Family Practice, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Fairfax, VA, USA BACKGROUND: New rulings nationwide require health services […]

Adjusted Clinical Groups: predictive accuracy for Medicaid enrollees in three states

Health Care Financ Rev 24:43-61. Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA Actuarial split-sample method were used to assess predictive accuracy of […]

The effect of socioeconomic status on bone density testing in a public health-care system

Osteoporos Int 18:153-158. Radiology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: An inverse relationship exists between socio-economic status (SES) and osteoporotic fractures. In […]

Medical and psychosocial diagnoses in women with a history of intimate partner violence

Arch Intern Med 169:1692-1697. Department of Human Development and Family Science, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA BACKGROUND: We characterized the relative risk of a […]

Heart failure in the family practice: a study of the prevalence and co-morbidity

Fam Pract 28:128-133. Unidad de Bioingenieria y Telemedicina, Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Majadahonda, Spain BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) is a health problem that particularly […]

Adapting the Rx-Risk-V for mortality prediction in outpatient populations

Med Care 44:793-797. Houston Center for Quality of Care and Utilization Studies, Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, TX, USA OBJECTIVES: We sought […]

Multimorbidity and its measurement

Health Policy 103:3-8. Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA Multimorbidity is increasing in frequency. It can be quantitatively measured […]

Explaining primary healthcare pharmacy expenditure using classification of medications for chronic conditions

Health Policy 103:9-15. Research Centre for Health Care Economics and Management, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain BACKGROUND: The Valencian Autonomous Community (Spain) has implemented […]

Randomized trial of depression follow-up care by online messaging

J Gen Intern Med 26:698-704. Group Health Research Institute, Seattle, WA, USA BACKGROUND: Quality of antidepressant treatment remains disturbingly poor. Rates of medication adherence and […]

Types of morbidity and categories of patients in a Swedish county. Applying the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups System to encounter data in primary health care

Scand J Prim Health Care 22:174-179. Center for Family Medicine, Department of Clinical Science, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden OBJECTIVE: To elucidate types of morbidity and […]

Medical comorbidity among youth diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the United States

J Clin Psychiatry 70:1461-1466. Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA OBJECTIVE: This study examines the […]

Common comorbidity scales were similar in their ability to predict health care costs and mortality

J Clin Epidemiol 57:1040-1048. Indiana University Center for Aging Research, Indianapolis, IN, USA OBJECTIVE: To compare the ability of commonly used measures of medical comorbidity […]

Diagnostic scope of and exposure to primary care physicians in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States: cross sectional analysis of results from three national surveys

BMJ 334:1261. Division of General Internal Medicine, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA, USA. OBJECTIVES: To compare mix of […]

Influence of body mass index on the choice of therapy for depression and follow-up care

Obesity 21:e303-e313. Group Health Research Institute, Group Health Cooperative, Seattle, WA, USA OBJECTIVE: Overweight and obese patients commonly suffer from depression and choice of depression […]

Adverse events in elderly users of antipsychotic pharmacotherapy in the province of Manitoba: a retrospective cohort study

J Clin Psychopharmacol 33:24-30. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. BACKGROUND: Antipsychotic medications have been widely used in elderly patients for treatment of a variety […]

Emergency department use by the rural elderly

J Emerg Med 18:289-297. Department of Family Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA This study uses Medicare data to compare emergency department (ED) use […]

The potential of risk adjustment for the Military Health System TRICARE Program

Mil ed 170:964-971. AdvanceMed/CSC, Plaza America Drive, Reston, VA, USA Using industry leading methods and software products, this article explores the potential for health risk […]

The effects of interdisciplinary outpatient geriatrics on the use, costs and quality of health services in the fee-for-service environment

Aging Clin Exp Res 20:556-561. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To evaluate the effect of interdisciplinary outpatient […]

The relationship between effectiveness and costs measured by a risk-adjusted case-mix system: multicentre study of Catalonian population data bases

BMC Public Health 9:202. Directorate of Planning, Badalona Serveis Assistencials SA, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain BACKGROUND: The main objective of this study is to measure the […]

Adjusted Clinical Groups use at a Spanish primary care center: a retrospective, population-based study

Rev Panam Salud Publica 27:49-55. Published in Spanish. Dirección de Planificación, Badalona Serveis Assistencials, S.A., Barcelona, Spain OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the results of implementing a […]

What is the comparative health status and associated risk factors for the Metis? A population-based study in Manitoba, Canada

BMC Public Health 11:814. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada BACKGROUND: Métis are descendants of early 17th century relationships between […]

Impact of bariatric surgery on health care utilization and costs among patients with diabetes

Med Care 50:58-65. Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA BACKGROUND: The effect of bariatric surgery […]

Case-mix adjusting performance measures in a veteran population: pharmacy- and diagnosis-based approaches

Health Serv Res 38:1319-1337. VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, WA, USA OBJECTIVE: To compare the rankings for health care utilization performance measures at […]

Risk adjusting capitation: applications in employed and disabled populations

Health Care Manag Sci 3:101-109. Department of Health Services, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA Risk adjustment may be a sensible strategy to reduce selection […]

Use of risk adjustment in setting budgets and measuring performance in primary care I: how it works

BMJ 323:604-607. School of Public Policy, University College London, London, UK No abstract PMID: 11557709 PMCID: PMC55577

Are low-income elderly patients at risk for poor diabetes care?

Diabetes Care 27:1060-1065. Colorado Foundation for Medical Care, Denver, CO, USA OBJECTIVE: Diabetes is common among low-income elderly, dual-eligible (DE) Medicare/Medicaid patients resulting in significant […]

Obtaining the mean relative weights of the cost of care in Catalonia (Spain): retrospective application of the Adjusted Clinical Groups case-mix system in primary health care

J Eval Clin Pract 19:267-276. Directorate of Planning, Badalona Serveis Assistencials SA, Badalona, Spain OBJECTIVE: The study aims to obtain the mean relative weights (MRWs) […]

Exploratory analysis of high CT scan utilization in claims data

J Am Coll Radiol 11:51-58. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. USA; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA PURPOSE: This study explores characteristics that distinguish higher […]

Increased risk of complications following total joint arthroplasty in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritis Rheumatol 66:254-263. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada OBJECTIVE: Most of the evidence regarding complications following total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty […]

High-risk case identification for use in comprehensive complex care management

Popul Health Manag. Clalit Research Institute , Chief Physician’s Office, Clalit Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel . The current study aimed to develop a patient […]

Association of the Hospital Volume of Frail Surgical Patients Cared for with Outcomes after Elective, Major Noncardiac Surgery

Background: Frailty is a risk factor for adverse postoperative outcomes. Hospitals that perform higher volumes of surgery have better outcomes than low-volume providers. We hypothesized […]

A health insurance plan with wellness features

Ithaca, NY, USA: Cornell University (doctoral dissertation). Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Employers are increasingly using wellness programs to improve health and lifestyle of employees. […]

Medi-Cal and managed care: risk, costs, and regional variation

Sacramento, CA, USA: Public Policy Institute of California. Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA; School of Public Health, University of Alabama at […]

Impact of center case volume on cardiotoxicity during adjuvant trastuzumab in breast cancer

2013 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting. Abstract 6625. J Clin Oncol 31 (suppl; abstr 6625). University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; St. Michael’s […]

Mesurer la morbidite chez les patients diabetiques a Montreal.

Montreal, QC, Canada: Montreal Health and Social Services Agency. Published in French. Montreal Health and Social Services Agency, Montreal, QC, Canada No abstract

The actual versus expected health care use among Healthy Kids enrollees

Gainesville, FL, USA: Institute for Child Health Policy, University of Florida. Institute for Child Health Policy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA As part of […]

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