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Insurance coverage and subsequent utilization of complementary and alternative medicine providers

Am J Manag Care 12:397-404. Department of Health Services, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA BACKGROUND: Since 1996, […]

Multimorbidity, polypharmacy, referrals, and adverse drug events: are we doing things well?

Br J Gen Pract 62:e821. Aragón Health Sciences Institute (IACS), Miguel Servet University Hospital, University of Zaragoza, Spain BACKGROUND: The consequences of multimorbidity include polypharmacy […]

Costs and associated factors with optimal and suboptimal responses to the treatment of major depressive disorder

Aten Primaria 44:667-675. Published in Spanish. Dirección de Planificación, Badalona Serveis Assistencials, Barcelona, Spain OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the compliance, persistence and costs of the treatment […]

Factors associated with hospitalisations for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions among persons with an intellectual disability: a publicly insured population perspective

J Intellect Disabil Res 57:226-239. Dual Diagnosis Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON, Canada BACKGROUND: Hospitalisations for ambulatory care-sensitive (ACS) conditions are […]

Cardiovascular safety of inhaled long-acting bronchodilators in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

JAMA Intern Med 173:1175-1185. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; Department of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada; Child Health Evaluative […]

The disconnect between better quality of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis preventive care and better outcomes: a population-based cohort study

J Rheumatol 40:1736-1741. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB; McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada OBJECTIVE: The quality of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis […]

Glucagonlike peptide 1-based therapies and risk of hospitalization for acute pancreatitis in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population-based matched case-control study

JAMA Intern Med 173:534-539. Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA IMPORTANCE: Acute pancreatitis has significant morbidity […]

The association between obesity and outpatient visits for acute respiratory infections in Ontario, Canada

Int J Obes 38:113-119. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; Public Health Ontario, Toronto, ON, Canada; University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada OBJECTIVE: […]

Effects of impairment in activities of daily living on predicting mortality following hip fracture surgery in studies using administrative healthcare databases

BMC Geriatr 14:9. Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada BACKGROUND: Impairment in activities of daily living (ADL) is an important predictor of outcomes although many administrative […]

Variation in inpatient hospital prices and outpatient service quantities drive geographic differences in private spending in Texas

Health Serv Res. University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, TX, USA OBJECTIVE: To measure the contribution of market-level prices, utilization, and health risk […]

Predictive validity of tools used to assess the risk of unplanned admissions: a rapid review of the evidence

York, UK: University of York. University of York, York, UK CRD has developed an evidence briefing and support service tailored to the needs of commissioners […]

Physician integrated network: a second look

Winnipeg, MB, Canada: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada This is the second report from Manitoba Centre for […]

Putting your faith in data

Commissioning Success :34-36. No abstract. Article a PDF.

Does surgical setting or wait-time incentive improve return to work following knee surgery among injured workers?

Final report to WorkSafeBC. Vancouver, BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; University Health, Toronto, ON, Canada; University of […]

The faces of Medicaid: the complexities of caring for people with chronic illnesses and disabilities

Hamilton, NJ, USA: Center for Health Care Strategies. Center for Health Care Strategies, Hamilton, NJ, USA A complex question has persisted in our minds since […]

Employer purchasing coalitions and Medicaid: experiences with risk adjustment

New York, NY, USA: Commonwealth Fund. Commonwealth Fund, New York, NY, USA Choice among health plans increases patient satisfaction with care and enables families to […]

Clinical and economic features of categories of patients in defined populations

Stockholm, Sweden: Karolinska Institute (doctoral dissertation). Department of Clinical Services, Center for Family and Community Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden This thesis addresses the use […]

Use predictive modeling to improve profitability under cap

National Health Information LLC. Capitation Rates and Data 9:61-65. National Health Information LLC, Atlanta, GA, USA Health plans and capitated provider organizations live or die […]

Health-based risk assessment: risk-adjusted payments and beyond

Washington, DC, USA: AcademyHealth. AcademyHealth, Washington, DC, USA A number of payers across the country, including Medicaid managed care programs, the Medicare+Choice program, some state […]

Cost benefit analysis of pharmaceutical care in a Medicaid population – from a budgetary perspective

J Managed Care Pharm 4:303-308. Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA The objective was to evaluate the economic impact of Medicaid pharmaceutical care services […]

Comparing the value of three main diagnostic-based risk-adjustment systems (DBRAS)

Ottawa, ON, Canada: Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, Ottawa, ON, Canada Diagnostic-Based Risk-Adjustment Systems (DBRAS) are now widely used in […]

Using pharmacy information in a decision support system to improve efficient delivery of primary health care

A study focusing on the Swedish national drug register. BMC Health Serv Res 0:A6. Ensolution, Stockholm, Sweden INTRODUCTION: The aim of the project was to […]

Utilización de los grupos clínicos ajustados en un centro de atención primaria español: estudio retrospectivo de base poblacional

Rev Panam Salud Publica 27:49-55. Published in Spanish. Dirección de Planificación, Badalona Serveis Assistencials, S.A., Barcelona, Spain OBJETIVOS. Evaluar los resultados de la aplicación del […]

Disparities in antipsychotic medication use

Vancouver, BC, Canada: University of British Columbia (masters thesis). University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada OBJECTIVES: To examine ethnic and income-related disparities in the […]

Pilot projects carried out in Lithuania and Latvia: quality indicators for high quality PHC performance

ImPrim Report #3. Karlskrona, Sweden: ImPrim. Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania Quality improvement of primary health care is the topic requiring attention from all stakeholders  throughout […]

Who is in our hospitals … and why?

Winnipeg, MB, Canada: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada This report provides a snapshot of patients in acute […]

Kronik: Datafangst fra nyt system kan anvendes både administrativt og sundhedspolitisk

Ugeskrift for Laeger 176:380-381. Published in Danish. Syddansk University, Odense, Denmark

ACG System Predictive Models Overview

This document provides a high-level overview of how the predictive models within the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups® (ACG) System are designed and the factors […]

Morbidity Burden in Persons with Multiple Chronic Conditions

Morbidity Burden in persons with Multiple Chronic Conditions and Identification of inequitable resource use in Israel Dr. Efrat Shadmi Faculty of Social Welfare and Health […]

Application of ACGs to Medical Claim Records in Japan

Tokyo Medical and Dental University Application of the ACG System to Medical Claim Records in Japan Koichi Kawabuchi


Johns Hopkins ACG System Consistent High Users: Characteristics and Identification Hsien-Yen Chang, PhD. Research Associate

Tuesday-Keynote III-Weiner

Johns Hopkins ACG System Risk Adjustment and Predictive Modeling in Health Reform Jonathan Weiner

Monday-Care Coordination I-Pollack

Johns Hopkins ACG System Innovations in Measuring and Managing Care Coordination Craig Pollack, MD, MHS

The future of integrated care in the NHS

The King’s Fund The Future of Integrated Care in the NHS Professor Chris Ham Chief Executive  

Monday(P1)-A New Day in Population Health Management: Innovations in Risk Adjustment and Predictive Modeling-Weiner

A New Day in Population Health Management: Innovations in Risk Adjustment and Predictive Modeling Welcome and Opening Remarks  Jonathan P. Weiner, DRPH Professor and CEO […]

Reducing Readmissions

Is your hospital or health system interested in reducing readmissions? Turning data points into actionable insights is key to understanding and addressing the drivers of readmission rates. Learn more in this step-by-step instructional video.

The uptake of active surveillance for the management of prostate cancer: A population-based analysis

Introduction: Active surveillance (AS) is a strategy for the management of low-risk prostate cancer (PCa). However, few studies have assessed the uptake of AS at […]

Apples and Oranges: Four Definitions of Multiple Chronic Conditions and their Relationship to 30-Day Hospital Readmission

Health Innovation Program, the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health from The Wisconsin Partnership Program, and the Community–Academic Partnerships core of the […]

Primary care utilization in people who experience imprisonment in Ontario, Canada: a retrospective cohort study

Abstract Background Access to primary care is an important determinant of health, and data are sparse on primary care utilization for people who experience imprisonment. […]

Vulnerable And Less Vulnerable Women In High-Deductible Health Plans Experienced Delayed Breast Cancer Care

ABSTRACT The effects of high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) on breast cancer diagnosis and treatment among vulnerable populations are unknown. We examined time to first breast […]

Patient-reported symptoms after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment: A retrospective cohort study

Abstract Aim Breast cancer and its treatment are associated with varying symptoms. The province of Ontario (13.6 million) has implemented a provincial programme to screen for symptoms among […]

Performance on the Operant Test Battery in young children exposed to procedures requiring general anaesthesia: the MASK study

Abstract Background It is not known whether the neurotoxicity produced by anaesthetics administered to young animals can also occur in children. Exposure of infant macaques […]

Prevalence of intellectual and developmental disabilities among first generation adult newcomers, and the health and health service use of this group: A retrospective cohort study

Abstract Background Attention to research and planning are increasingly being devoted to newcomer health, but the needs of newcomers with disabilities remain largely unknown. This […]

Multimorbidity Patterns in Patients with Back Pain: A Study of Patient Records at a Primary Health Care Centre in Sweden

Abstract In Primary Care, multimorbidity is the norm in most patients. A large part of these have pain disorders, very often related to the spine. […]

Changes in primary care provider utilization by phase of care for women diagnosed with breast cancer: a CanIMPACT longitudinal cohort study

Abstract Background Primary care providers (PCPs) have always played an important role in cancer diagnosis. There is increasing awareness of the importance of their role […]

Does early palliative identification improve the use of palliative care services?

Abstract Purpose To evaluate whether the early identification of patients who may benefit from palliative care impacts on the use of palliative, community and acute-based […]

Predicting the Cost of Health Care Services : A Comparison of Case-mix Systems and Comorbidity Indices That Use Administrative Data

Abstract Background: Case-mix systems and comorbidity indices aggregate clinical information about patients over time and are used to characterize need for health care services. These […]

Use of administrative record linkage to measure medical and social risk factors for early developmental vulnerability in Ontario, Canada

Abstract Background Linkage of demographic, health, and developmental administrative data can enrich population-based surveillance and research on developmental and educational outcomes. Transparency of the record […]

Analysis of the relationship between surgeon procedure volume and complications after total knee arthroplasty using a propensity-matched cohort study

Abstract Objectives This study aimed to identify a threshold in annual surgeon volume associated with increased risk of revision (for any cause) and deep infection […]

Determinants of vaccination uptake, and influenza vaccine effectiveness in preventing deaths and hospital admissions in the elderly population; Treviso, Italy, 2014/2015-2016/2017 seasons

ABSTRACT Objective Seasonal influenza is an important cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly among the elderly population. Determinants of vaccination uptake and its impact on […]

Frailty impact on postoperative complications and early mortality rates in patients undergoing radical cystectomy for bladder cancer: a systematic review

Abstract Objective To assess the prevalence of frailty, a status of vulnerability to stressors leading to adverse health events, in bladder cancer patients undergoing radical […]

Medical use of cocaine and perioperative morbidity following sinonasal surgery—A population study

Abstract Background Topical cocaine is favoured by many surgeons for sinonasal surgery due to its superior vasoconstrictive and anesthetic properties. However, historical reports suggesting cocaine […]

Congestive heart failure and comorbidity as determinants of colorectal cancer perioperative outcomes

Abstract Objective There has been an increase in surgical interventions in frailer elderly with concomitant chronic diseases. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate […]

Real-world Safety of Bevacizumab with First-line Combination Chemotherapy in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Population-based Retrospective Cohort Studies in Three Canadian Provinces

Abstract Aims To examine the real-world safety of adding bevacizumab to first-line irinotecan-based chemotherapy for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Materials and methods Patients diagnosed with CRC in […]

The receipt of information by family physicians about their patient’s emergency department visits: a record linkage study of electronic medical records to health administrative data

Abstract Background Canadians are known to be frequent users of emergency department (ED) care. However, the exchange of information from ED visits to family physicians […]

The effect of frailty on post-operative outcomes and health care expenditures in patients treated with partial nephrectomy

Abstract Objective To examine the effect of frailty on short-term post-operative outcomes and total hospital charges (THCs) in patients with non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma, treated […]

Improving patient well-being in the United States through care coordination interventions informed by social determinants of health

Abstract Health and well-being are promoted when primary care teams partner with patients and provide care coordination to mitigate risks and promote optimal health. Identification […]

Performance of administrative database frailty instruments in predicting clinical outcomes and cost for patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a historical cohort study

Abstract Purpose Frailty instruments may improve prognostic estimates for patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Few studies have evaluated and compared the performance of […]

Evaluating an insurer-based health coaching program: Impact of program engagement on healthcare utilization and weight loss

Abstract Insurers and employers are increasingly offering lifestyle and weight-loss coaching programs; however, few evaluations have examined their effectiveness. Our objectives were to determine whether […]

Population Health Profiling

This webinar will explore how the ACG System can – and is – being used to support commissioners and those responsible for the management of […]

Risk adjusted resource allocation in Sweden

Presented by: Andreas Johansson, M.Sc., Founder of Ensolution

Comparison of health care needs of child family members of adults with alcohol or drug dependence versus adults with asthma or diabetes

J Dev Behav Pediatr 35:282-291. Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Oakland, CA, USA OBJECTIVE: To compare the health problems, preventive care utilization, and […]

Prevalence of depression in adults with type 2 diabetes in the Basque Country: relationship with glycaemic control and health care costs

BMC Public Health 14:769. Basque Institute for Healthcare Innovation, Barakaldo, Spain BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of depression in […]

Data resource profile: Pathways to Health and Social Equity for Children (PATHS Equity for Children)

Int J Epidemiol 43:1438-1449. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada The PATHS Data Resource is a unique database comprising data that follow individuals […]

Incidence of severe hypoglycaemic episodes in patients with type 2 diabetes in the Basque country: impact on healthcare costs

BMC Health Serv Res 15:207. Basque Institute for Healthcare Innovation, Barakaldo, Spain; Osakidetza, Basque Health Service, Erandio, Spain; University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain BACKGROUND: Hypoglycaemia […]

Variability in potentially preventable hospitalisations: an observational study of clinical practice patterns of general practitioners and care outcomes in the Basque Country (Spain)

BMJ Open 5:e007360. Osakidetza Basque Health Service, Erandio, Bizkaia, Spain; University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain OBJECTIVES: To explain the variability in the frequency of potentially […]

Outcomes among patients discharged from the emergency department with a diagnosis of peripheral vertigo

Ann Neurol 79:32-41. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronot, ON, Canada; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the […]

Evaluation of an innovative program to improve outcomes among military beneficiaries with diabetes

Nurs Econ 33:271-280. University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX, USA; Texas A&M University Health Science Center, Bryan, TX, USA Patients with Type 2 Diabetes […]

Health administrative data can be used to define a shared care typology for people with HIV

J Clin Epidemiol 68:1301-1311. Bruyère Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada; University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Ottawa […]

Trends in relative survival in patients with a diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in Ontario: a population-based retrospective cohort study

CMAJ Open 3:E208-E216. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Ontario Institute for Cancer Research/Cancer Care Ontario, Toronto, ON, Canada; Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, […]

Prevalence and costs of chronicity and multimorbidity in the population covered by the Basque public telecare service

An Sist Sanit Navar 36:429-339, Published in Spanish. Centro de Salud Astrabudua, Erandio, Spain BACKGROUND: The public telecare service in the Basque Autonomous Community (betiON) […]

Medication, diagnostic, and cost information as predictors of high-risk patients in need of care management

Am J Manag Care 15:41-48. Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA OBJECTIVE: To contrast the advantages and limitations of using medication, […]

Preventive screening of women who use complementary and alternative medicine providers

J Womens Health 18:1133-1143. Department of Health Services, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA BACKGROUND: Many women use […]

Explaining prescription drug use and expenditures using the Adjusted Clinical Groups case-mix system in the population of British Columbia, Canada

Med Care 48:402-408. Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, University of British Columbia, School of Population and Public Health, Vancouver, BC, Canada BACKGROUND: Given […]

Methods of reducing the financial risk of physicians under capitation

Arch Fam Med 8:149-155. Johns Hopkins Center for Hospital Finance and Management, Baltimore, MD, USA. In today’s rapidly changing medical marketplace, managed care plans are […]

Use of well-child visits in high-deductible health plans

Am J Manag Care 16:833-840. Center for Child Health Care Studies, Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Boston, […]

Risk adjustment for people with chronic conditions in private sector health plans

Med Decis Making 23:397-405. The MEDSTAT Group, Inc., Washington, DC, USA BACKGROUND: Although the problem of adverse selection into more generous health insurance plans has […]

Ambulatory care practice variation within a Medicaid program

Health Serv Res 30:751-770. Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management, Baltimore, MD, USA STUDY QUESTIONS: What is the […]

Tamoxifen use and osteoporotic fracture risk: a population-based analysis

J Clin Oncol 26:5227-5232. CancerCare Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada PURPOSE: Although tamoxifen has been shown to increase bone mineral density in clinical trials, it is […]

Patient race/ethnicity and shared medical record use among diabetes patients

Med Care 50:434-440. Center for Vulnerable Populations, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA BACKGROUND: Previous studies have documented racial/ethnic differences in patients’ use of […]

Distribution of primary care expenditure according to sex and age group: a retrospective analysis

Aten Primaria 44:145-152. Published in Spanish. Centre d’Atenció Integral Dos de Maig, Consorci Sanitari Integral, Barcelona, Spain; Dirección de Planificación y Desarrollo Organizativo, Badalona Serveis […]

Ambulatory encounter systems: implications for payment and quality

J Ambul Care Manage 16:33-49. Many key decision makers are looking to AESs solely for purposes of payment. This approach is unfortunate because many systems […]

Identification of pharmacy cost outliers in primary care

Aten Primaria 41:453-459. Published in Spanish. Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, Zaragoza, España OBJECTIVE: To identify pharmacy cost outlier patients in Primary Care, […]

Impact of deductibles on initiation and continuation of psychotherapy for treatment of depression

Health Serv Res 47:1561-1579. Group Health Research Institute and University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA OBJECTIVE: To estimate the impact of deductibles on the initiation […]

Ambulatory care sensitive hospitalizations and emergency visits: experiences of Medicaid patients using federally qualified health centers

Med Care 39:551-561. MDS Associates, Wheaton, MD, USA BACKGROUND: Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) serve as regular sources of preventive and primary care for low-income […]

Health-risk-assessment tools used to predict costs in defined populations

J Healthc Inf Manag 14:31-57. Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA With the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 mandating that the Health Care Financing […]

Comparison of risk adjusters for Medicaid-enrolled children with and without chronic health conditions

Ambul Pediatr 1:217-224. Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA OBJECTIVE: Several capitation payment […]

Retrospective application of Adjusted Clinical Groups (ACGs) at a primary care centre

Aten Primaria 37:439-445. Published in Spanish. Dirección de Planificación, Badalona Servicios Asistenciales S.A. Badalona, Barcelona, España OBJECTIVE: To evaluate retrospectively the application of adjusted clinical […]

Using health-related quality of life assessments to evaluate care support within Medicaid

Care Manag J 9:42-50. Center for Health Research, Kaiser Permanente, Portland, OR, USA CareOregon, an Oregon-based not-for-profit Medicaid health plan, successfully piloted a “CareSupport” model […]

Prescription drug coverage, health, and medication acquisition among seniors with one or more chronic conditions

Med Care 42:1056-1065. Department of Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. BACKGROUND: The unabated rise in medication costs particularly affects older persons with […]

Primary care utilisation patterns among an urban immigrant population in the Spanish National Health System.

BMC Public Health 11:432. Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón, Zaragoza, Spain BACKGROUND: There is evidence suggesting that the […]

A population-based study of periodontal care among those with and without diabetes

J Periodontol 82:1650-1656. Group Health Research Institute, Seattle, WA, USA BACKGROUND: Our objectives were to describe the prevalence of periodontal care (a marker of periodontitis) […]

The effect of complementary and alternative medicine claims on risk adjustment

Med Care 44:1078-1084. Department of Nursing, Boise State University, Boise, ID, USA OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess how the inclusion of claims from complementary and […]

Assessment of pharmacological strategies for management of major depressive disorder and their costs after an inadequate response to first-line antidepressant treatment in primary care

Ann Gen Psychiatry 11:22. AstraZeneca Medical Department, Madrid, Spain BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to determine the most common treatment strategies and their […]

More data in health care will enable predictive modeling advances

Manag Care 22:39-41. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA No abstract PMID: 23451538

Is patient satisfaction in primary care dependent on structural and organizational characteristics among providers? Findings based on data from the national patient survey in Sweden

Health Econ Policy Law 8:317-333. Lund University School of Economics and Management, Lund, Sweden In parallel to market-like reforms in Swedish primary care, the gathering […]

Association between metformin use and risk of prostate cancer and its grade 

J Natl Cancer Inst 105:1123-1131. Division of Urology, Department of Surgical Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada BACKGROUND: Metformin is commonly […]

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