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Development of a Medical Productivity Index for health insurance beneficiaries

Insurance Markets and Companies: Analyses and Actuarial Computations 2:7-15. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA In this paper, a Medical Productivity Index (MPI) is proposed […]

Des indicateurs de qualité à l’intention des professionnels et des gestionnaires des services de première ligne

Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS). Rapport rédigé par Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, Marie‐Pascale Pomey, Brigitte Côté, Claudio Del Grande, Monia Ghorbel, Phuong […]

Social Housing in Manitoba

Winnipeg, MB, Canada: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada The Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) in conjunction […]

Clinical integration of the chronic patient

Enfermeria Clnica 24:35-43. Published in Spanish. Gerencia del Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM), Toledo, Spain Castilla-La Mancha Health Service is developing the integration […]

Risk Stratification – An introduction to the basics

This document provides a high-level overview of what risk stratification is its relevance to the health service and some things to consider when using risk […]

Thai Health Financing Arrangements

Naresuan University Ambulatory casemix systems and Thai health financing arrangements Supasit Pannarunothai Faculty of Medicine


BMC Public Health Co-morbidity and Health Care Utilisation Five Years Prior to Diagnosis for Depression: A Register-Based Study in a Swedish Population David Andersson Henrik […]

Monday-Care Coordination I-Muniz

Johns Hopkins ACG System The Development of a Coordination Risk Measure Patricio Muñiz

Improving Patient Care

Cricket Green Medical Practice, Mitcham, Surrey Improving Patient Care Using Risk Profiling in Primary Care Dr Simon Gilbert, GP

Tuesday(C6)-Bridging the Gap Between Payer Data and EHR Data —Rohan D’Souza

Bridging the Gap Between Payer Data and EHR Data —Rohan D’Souza, eClinicalWorks

Sunday-Overview of Version 11: Enhancements and Features-Salls

OVERVIEW OF VERSION 11: ENHANCEMENTS AND FEATURES  Overview of Version 11: Enhancements and Features —Amy Salls, DST Health Solutions

Overview of the Johns Hopkins ACG System

Karen Kinder, PhD, MBA, Executive Director, ACG System, gives an overview of the ACG System and its various applications to solve health care challenges worldwide. Dr. Kinder highlights how the different users including health organizations, national and regional health authorities, clinic directors, and practitioners use the ACG System to improve accuracy and fairness in evaluating performance, identifying individuals at high risk, forecasting health care utilization, or setting equitable payment rates.

New Summary Measures of Population Health and Well-Being for Implementation by Health Plans and Accountable Care Organizations

Thomas E. Kottke, MD, MSPH; Jason M. Gallagher, MBA; Sachin Rauri, MS; Juliana O. Tillema, MPA; Nicolaas P. Pronk, PhD, FACSM; Susan M. Knudson, MA […]

Comprehensive preventive care assessments for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities-Part 1: How do we know if it’s happening?

Objective To determine how to best measure the provision of comprehensive preventive care assessment to adults with IDD. Design Cross-sectional. Setting Ontario. Participants Adults with […]

Comparing Five Comorbidity Indices to Predict Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Abstract Background: Several different indices summarize patient comorbidity using health care data. An accurate index can be used to describe the risk profile of patients, […]

Exploring the use of machine learning for risk adjustment: A comparison of standard and penalized linear regression models in predicting health care costs in older adults

Abstract   Background Payers and providers still primarily use ordinary least squares (OLS) to estimate expected economic and clinical outcomes for risk adjustment purposes. Penalized […]

Prescription drug claims following a traumatic spinal cord injury for older adults: a retrospective population-based study in Ontario, Canada

Abstract Study design Retrospective cohort study. Objectives The objectives for this study were to examine the prevalence of polypharmacy for people with traumatic spinal cord […]

Impact of timing of methadone initiation on perinatal outcomes following delivery among pregnant women on methadone maintenance therapy in Ontario

Abstract BACKGROUND AND AIMS Methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) is associated with improved outcomes for children exposed to maternal opioid dependence in utero. We examined Ontario’s […]

Home care nursing after elective vascular surgery: an opportunity to reduce emergency department visits and hospital readmission

Abstract Background Events occurring outside the hospital setting are underevaluated in surgical quality improvement initiatives and research. Objective To quantify regional variation in home care […]

Sex-Based Disparities in the Hourly Earnings of Surgeons in the Fee-for-Service System in Ontario, Canada

Abstract Importance  Sex-based income disparities are well documented in medicine and most pronounced in surgery. These disparities are commonly attributed to differences in hours worked. […]

Emergency department use among young adult Medicare beneficiaries with autism and intellectual disabilities

Abstract Background Individuals on the autism spectrum are at greater risk for a variety of co-occurring psychiatric and medical conditions, which could result in greater […]

Serious infections in patients with myasthenia gravis: population‐based cohort study

Abstract Background and purpose To characterize the frequency and risk of serious infections in patients with myasthenia gravis (MG) relative to age/sex/area‐matched comparators. Methods This […]

Declining Use of Red Blood Cell Transfusions for Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery: A Population-Based Analysis

Abstract Background Gastrointestinal cancer surgery patients often develop perioperative anemia commonly treated with red blood cell (RBC) transfusions. Given the potential associated risks, evidence published […]

Impact of preoperative echocardiography on surgical delays and outcomes among adults with hip fracture

Aims Echocardiography is commonly used in hip fracture patients to evaluate perioperative cardiac risk. However, echocardiography that delays surgical repair may be harmful. The objective […]

90-90-90 for everyone?: Access to HIV care and treatment for people with HIV who experience imprisonment in Ontario, Canada

ABSTRACT Background We examined HIV care and treatment in prison and after release for people with HIV in Ontario, Canada, and compared HIV care and […]

Correlation between potentially inappropriate medication and Alzheimer’s disease among the elderly

Abstract Purpose This study is conducted to explore the association between potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) among the elderly. Methods We used […]

Fracture Risk in Patients with Myasthenia Gravis: A Population-Based Cohort Study

Abstract Objective Prednisone is a common treatment for myasthenia gravis (MG), and osteoporosis is a known potential risk of chronic prednisone therapy. Our aim was […]

Impact of frailty on inpatient outcomes in thyroid cancer surgery: 10-year results from the U.S. national inpatient sample

Abstract Background Frailty is linked to perioperative morbidity and mortality. We evaluated the impact of preoperative frailty on inpatient outcomes of patients undergoing surgery for […]

Early postoperative follow-up reduces risk of late severe nutritional complications after Roux-En-Y gastric bypass: a population based study

Abstract Background Severe nutritional complications can occur following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Adherence to follow-up visits can reduce the risk of many bariatric surgery complications, […]

Type 1 diabetes prevalence and incidence rates in the pediatric population of Veneto Region (Italy) in 2015–2020

Abstract The prevalence of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) in the Veneto Region (Italy) in the 2015–2020 years was 152.5/100,000 subjects and the incidence 19.7/100,000 person-years. Accordingly, Veneto Region […]

Second and later-line erlotinib use in non-small cell lung cancer: real world outcomes and practice patterns overtime in Canada

Abstract Background In Canada, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor therapies in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were initially approved regardless of EGFR status. The purpose […]

Patient Service Utilization Among Individuals with Co‑occurring Disorders: A Comparison of Two Models of Care Coordination

Abstract Background Healthcare systems have increasingly adopted integrated care models with demonstrated effectiveness. However, few studies examine integrated care for individuals with co-morbid mental illness […]

Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe outcomes with variants of concern in Ontario

Abstract SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOC) are more transmissible and may have the potential for increased disease severity and decreased vaccine effectiveness. We estimated the […]

Assessing the Added Value of Vital Signs Extracted from Electronic Health Records in Healthcare Risk Adjustment Models

Abstract Objective Patient vital signs are related to specific health risks and outcomes but are underutilized in the prediction of health-care utilization and cost. To […]

Access to care and outcomes for neuroendocrine tumours: does socioeconomic status matter?

ABSTRACT Introduction Neuroendocrine tumours (nets) are a poorly understood malignancy lacking standardized care. Differences in socioeconomic status (ses) might worsen the effect of non-standardized care. […]

Analyzing Care Needs for Your Medicare Advantage Enrollees – White Paper

For health plans in the Medicare Advantage space, a strategy for effectively managing the care, quality and risk of members is crucial. This includes understanding […]

Patient selection based on segmentation and predictive modeling

Patient selection based on segmentation and predictive modeling in the Comprehensive Care for Multimorbid Adults Program (CC-MAP) Presented by: Efrat Shadmi, PhD, RN, Associate Professor […]

Similar multimorbidity patterns in primary care patients from two European regions: results of a factor analysis

PLoS One 9:e100375. Aragón Health Sciences Institute, Zaragoza, Spain; Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands; Department of General Practice, KU Leuven, Belgium. OBJECTIVE: To compare the […]

A retrospective evaluation of the behaviour of groups under out-patient care at a health center

Aten Primaria 21:36-42. Published in Spanish. Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública de Granada, Granada, Spain OBJECTIVES: To study and analyse the Out-Patient Care Groups (OCGs), […]

Physical health and gender as risk factors for usage of services for mental illness

J Epidemiol Community Health 68:971-978. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; […]

Health-related quality of life and multimorbidity in community-dwelling telecare-assisted elders in the Basque Country

Eur J Intern Med 26:169-175. Basque Institute for Healthcare Innovation, Barakaldo, Spain; Osakidetza, Basque Health Service, Erandio, Spain; Osatek S.A., Public Society of the Basque […]

The association between diabetes and breast cancer stage at diagnosis: a population-based study

Breast Cancer ResTreat 150:613-620. Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada Women with diabetes have higher breast cancer incidence and mortality. The […]

Cost-minimizing risk adjustment

J Health Econ 21:515-530. Center for Health Quality, Outcomes and Economic Research, Boston University School of Public Health, Bedford, MA, USA Conventional risk adjustment, which […]

Association of frailty and 1-year postoperative mortality following major elective noncardiac surgery: a population-based cohort study

JAMA Surg. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada; Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, […]

Utilization of clinical tools to understand health-care differences of the Discovery Health population

BMC Health Serv Res 10:A18. Discovery Health, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa INTRODUCTION: Various clinical tools exist that categorize health-care data into homogenous cohorts. The tools […]

Patient-mix differences among ambulatory providers and their effects on utilization and payments for Maryland Medicaid users

Med Care 31:1119-1137. Policy and Health Statistics Administration, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Baltimore, MD, USA Characteristics of the usual source of care […]

Clinical features of high-risk older persons identified by predictive modeling

Dis Manag 9:56-62. Johns Hopkins HealthCare, Glen Burnie, MD, USA The objective of this study was to describe the clinical features of older persons identified […]

Validation of ACG Case-mix for equitable resource allocation in Swedish primary health care

BMC Public Health 9:347. Blekinge Centre of Competence, Karlskrona, Sweden BACKGROUND: Adequate resource allocation is an important factor to ensure equity in health care. Previous […]

Review: health care utilization and costs of elderly persons with multiple chronic conditions

Med Care Res Rev 68:387-420. University Medical Center, Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany This systematic literature review identified and summarized 35 studies that investigated the relationship between multiple […]

How health status affects progress and performance in school: a population-based study

Can J Public Health 99:344-349. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada […]

Are cervical cancer screening rates different for women with schizophrenia? A Manitoba population-based study

Schizophr Res 113:101-106. Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada CONTEXT: Barriers to cervical cancer screening […]

The importance of comorbidity in analysing patient costs in Swedish primary care

BMC Public Health 6:36. Ryd Primary Health Care Centre, Linköping, Sweden BACKGROUND: The objective was to explore the usefulness of the morbidity risk adjustment system […]

Designing and using measures of quality based on physician office records.

J Ambul Care Manage 18:56-72. Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA This article presents our principles for developing performance measures to […]

Impact of managed care on prescription drug use

Health Aff 10:140-154. Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA Differences between the health services utilization patterns of persons enrolled […]

Socioeconomic status and the utilization of diagnostic imaging in an urban setting

CMAJ 173:1173-1177. Radiology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: An inverse relationship exists between socio-economic status (SES) and osteoporotic fractures. In publicly […]

Rural American Indian Medicaid health care services use and health care costs in California

Am J Public Health 96:363-370. Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California San Francisco, USA OBJECTIVES: We determined differences in Medicaid service use and […]

Evaluating diagnosis-based risk-adjustment methods in a population with spinal cord dysfunction

Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85:218-226. OBJECTIVE: To examine performance of models in predicting health care utilization for individuals with spinal cord dysfunction.DESIGN: Regression models compared […]

Oil and water? Lessons from Maryland’s effort to protect safety net providers in moving to Medicaid managed care

J Urban Health 77:645-662. Mathematica Policy Research in Washington, DC, USA Studies have highlighted the tensions that can arise between Medicaid managed care organizations and […]

Does community-governed nonprofit primary care improve access to services? Cross-sectional survey of practice characteristics

Int J Health Serv 35:465-478. Department of Public Health, Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, New Zealand This study compared community-governed nonprofit and for-profit […]

Predictors of 1-year change in patient activation in older adults with diabetes mellitus and heart disease

J Am Geriatr Soc 60:1316-1321. Group Health Research Institute, Seattle, Washington, USA OBJECTIVES: To identify patterns and predictors of 1-year change in patient activation in […]

Risk-adjusted resource allocation: using Taiwan’s National Health Insurance as an example

Asia Pac J Public Health 27:NP958-971. Department of Health Policy & Management, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. OBJECTIVES: To […]

Distance to hospital and socioeconomic status influence secondary health care use

Scand J Prim Health Care 31:83-88. Blekinge Centre of Competence, Karlskrona, Sweden Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate how distance to hospital […]

The effect of the doctor-patient relationship on emergency department use among the elderly

Am JPublic Health 90:97-102. Department of Family Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine the rate […]

Measurement of relative cost weights as an effect of the retrospective application of Adjusted Clinical Groups in primary care

Gac Sanit 20:132-141. Published in Spanish. Badalona Serveis Assistencials, S.A., Badalona, Barcelona, España OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study is to obtain the cost’s relative […]

Income-related inequities: Cross-sectional analyses of the use of medicare services in British Columbia in 1992 and 2002

Open Med 2:e91. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada BACKGROUND: The primary demonstration of the principle of income-related equity in Canada is the provision […]

Disaster-related injuries in the period of recovery: the effect of prolonged displacement on risk of injury in older adults

JTrauma 67:834-840. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA BACKGROUND: Hurricane Katrina, which struck the Gulf Coast […]

Setting health care capitations through diagnosis-based risk adjustment: a suitable model for the English NHS?

Health Policy 101:133-139. Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK The English system of health resource allocation has been described as the apotheosis of […]

Insurance coverage and subsequent utilization of complementary and alternative medicine providers

Am J Manag Care 12:397-404. Department of Health Services, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA BACKGROUND: Since 1996, […]

Multimorbidity, polypharmacy, referrals, and adverse drug events: are we doing things well?

Br J Gen Pract 62:e821. Aragón Health Sciences Institute (IACS), Miguel Servet University Hospital, University of Zaragoza, Spain BACKGROUND: The consequences of multimorbidity include polypharmacy […]

Costs and associated factors with optimal and suboptimal responses to the treatment of major depressive disorder

Aten Primaria 44:667-675. Published in Spanish. Dirección de Planificación, Badalona Serveis Assistencials, Barcelona, Spain OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the compliance, persistence and costs of the treatment […]

Factors associated with hospitalisations for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions among persons with an intellectual disability: a publicly insured population perspective

J Intellect Disabil Res 57:226-239. Dual Diagnosis Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON, Canada BACKGROUND: Hospitalisations for ambulatory care-sensitive (ACS) conditions are […]

Cardiovascular safety of inhaled long-acting bronchodilators in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

JAMA Intern Med 173:1175-1185. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; Department of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada; Child Health Evaluative […]

The disconnect between better quality of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis preventive care and better outcomes: a population-based cohort study

J Rheumatol 40:1736-1741. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB; McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada OBJECTIVE: The quality of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis […]

Glucagonlike peptide 1-based therapies and risk of hospitalization for acute pancreatitis in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population-based matched case-control study

JAMA Intern Med 173:534-539. Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA IMPORTANCE: Acute pancreatitis has significant morbidity […]

The association between obesity and outpatient visits for acute respiratory infections in Ontario, Canada

Int J Obes 38:113-119. Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada; Public Health Ontario, Toronto, ON, Canada; University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada OBJECTIVE: […]

Effects of impairment in activities of daily living on predicting mortality following hip fracture surgery in studies using administrative healthcare databases

BMC Geriatr 14:9. Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada BACKGROUND: Impairment in activities of daily living (ADL) is an important predictor of outcomes although many administrative […]

Variation in inpatient hospital prices and outpatient service quantities drive geographic differences in private spending in Texas

Health Serv Res. University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, TX, USA OBJECTIVE: To measure the contribution of market-level prices, utilization, and health risk […]

Predictive validity of tools used to assess the risk of unplanned admissions: a rapid review of the evidence

York, UK: University of York. University of York, York, UK CRD has developed an evidence briefing and support service tailored to the needs of commissioners […]

Physician integrated network: a second look

Winnipeg, MB, Canada: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada This is the second report from Manitoba Centre for […]

Putting your faith in data

Commissioning Success :34-36. No abstract. Article a PDF.

Does surgical setting or wait-time incentive improve return to work following knee surgery among injured workers?

Final report to WorkSafeBC. Vancouver, BC, Canada: University of British Columbia. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; University Health, Toronto, ON, Canada; University of […]

The faces of Medicaid: the complexities of caring for people with chronic illnesses and disabilities

Hamilton, NJ, USA: Center for Health Care Strategies. Center for Health Care Strategies, Hamilton, NJ, USA A complex question has persisted in our minds since […]

Employer purchasing coalitions and Medicaid: experiences with risk adjustment

New York, NY, USA: Commonwealth Fund. Commonwealth Fund, New York, NY, USA Choice among health plans increases patient satisfaction with care and enables families to […]

Clinical and economic features of categories of patients in defined populations

Stockholm, Sweden: Karolinska Institute (doctoral dissertation). Department of Clinical Services, Center for Family and Community Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden This thesis addresses the use […]

Use predictive modeling to improve profitability under cap

National Health Information LLC. Capitation Rates and Data 9:61-65. National Health Information LLC, Atlanta, GA, USA Health plans and capitated provider organizations live or die […]

Health-based risk assessment: risk-adjusted payments and beyond

Washington, DC, USA: AcademyHealth. AcademyHealth, Washington, DC, USA A number of payers across the country, including Medicaid managed care programs, the Medicare+Choice program, some state […]

Cost benefit analysis of pharmaceutical care in a Medicaid population – from a budgetary perspective

J Managed Care Pharm 4:303-308. Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA The objective was to evaluate the economic impact of Medicaid pharmaceutical care services […]

Comparing the value of three main diagnostic-based risk-adjustment systems (DBRAS)

Ottawa, ON, Canada: Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, Ottawa, ON, Canada Diagnostic-Based Risk-Adjustment Systems (DBRAS) are now widely used in […]

Using pharmacy information in a decision support system to improve efficient delivery of primary health care

A study focusing on the Swedish national drug register. BMC Health Serv Res 0:A6. Ensolution, Stockholm, Sweden INTRODUCTION: The aim of the project was to […]

Utilización de los grupos clínicos ajustados en un centro de atención primaria español: estudio retrospectivo de base poblacional

Rev Panam Salud Publica 27:49-55. Published in Spanish. Dirección de Planificación, Badalona Serveis Assistencials, S.A., Barcelona, Spain OBJETIVOS. Evaluar los resultados de la aplicación del […]

Disparities in antipsychotic medication use

Vancouver, BC, Canada: University of British Columbia (masters thesis). University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada OBJECTIVES: To examine ethnic and income-related disparities in the […]

Pilot projects carried out in Lithuania and Latvia: quality indicators for high quality PHC performance

ImPrim Report #3. Karlskrona, Sweden: ImPrim. Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania Quality improvement of primary health care is the topic requiring attention from all stakeholders  throughout […]

Who is in our hospitals … and why?

Winnipeg, MB, Canada: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada This report provides a snapshot of patients in acute […]

Kronik: Datafangst fra nyt system kan anvendes både administrativt og sundhedspolitisk

Ugeskrift for Laeger 176:380-381. Published in Danish. Syddansk University, Odense, Denmark

ACG System Predictive Models Overview

This document provides a high-level overview of how the predictive models within the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups® (ACG) System are designed and the factors […]

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