Case Studies

Reducing Disparities in the Delivery of Primary Care

This report details the work of 2020 Starfield award winner Discovery Health to demonstrate, using the Johns Hopkins ACG System, the impact of improving primary care utilization.

Recalibration of Predictive Models

This short report provides details of the third recalibration of the predictive models within the ACG System for the UK.

COVID-19: Marathon Health Outreach

By leveraging the Johns Hopkins ACG System, Marathon Health was able to offer outreach and options to individuals identified as a higher risk of contracting or experiencing complications as a result of COVID-19.

Population Segmentation Case Study – Payer

Johns Hopkins Healthcare (JHHC) develops and manages medical care contracts for close to 400,000 plan members. JHHC created a framework based on an adapted version of the National Academy of Medicine taxonomy, combined with ACG System output, to provide a more extensive set of risk categories in an effort to expand their care management programs to high-risk Medicare patients.

Segmentation Case Study

Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which covers a population of 143,000 in the UK, used the Johns Hopkins ACG System to conduct a population health analysis that generated several new insights. After just 18 months, unplanned hospitalizations were reduced by 18% and emergency department visits were reduced by 19%.

New Medicaid Enrollees with Highest Care Needs

The ACG System can help identify new Medicaid enrollees with high care needs.

Provider Profiling and Engagement Case Study – Payer

Johns Hopkins HealthCare (JHHC), the managed care arm of Johns Hopkins, created Provider Profile reports leveraging outputs from the Johns Hopkins ACG System to build a comprehensive Provider Engagement program.

Population Segmentation Case Study – Government

Three Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) analyzed their local populations as part of a new national initiative to address the care of people who are frail.  Learn more.

Care Management Program Case Study-Payer

Clalit Health (an integrated delivery system in Israel) used the ACG System to identify high-risk patients for enrollment in a comprehensive complex care management program for its multimorbid population. This led to a reduction in length of time spent in the hospital, reductions in readmission rates and lower costs.

Resource Allocation Case Study-Government

The Ministry of Health in Chile used the ACG® System as a risk-adjustment mechanism to improve health care resource allocation and better describe the disease […]

Resource Allocation Case Study-Government

Sweden became one of the first international adopters of the Johns Hopkins ACG System in the mid 1990s and has expanded its use to cover […]

Population Health Management through Care Coordination and Interventions

Population health management at JHHC represents a comprehensive approach to health care considering the distribution of health outcomes within a population, and the health determinants […]

Data Visualization and Patient Identification – Military

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) supports the delivery of integrated, affordable, and high-quality health services to Military Health System (MHS) beneficiaries and is responsible for […]

Case Mix Adjustment Case Study – Payer

This Case Study shows how Leicester City CCG, one of the most ethnically diverse areas of the UK, analyzed emergency admission rates for all practices, to learn that practices with lower emergency admission rates had significantly higher coding completeness and GP patient survey scores. Learn more.

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