The Johns Hopkins ACG System team and hundreds of system users from around the world met at the ACG System 2018 International Conference, along the beautiful Riverwalk, in San Antonio, Texas.
During this 3-day conference, attendees learned how health care systems and organizations in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Africa are applying the latest risk adjustment and predictive modeling tools to improve population health.
A highlight of this year’s conference was the presentation of the biennial Starfield Award, recognizing those who best use the ACG System to address multimorbidity, reduce care disparities and improve population health.
Available as a courtesy. Please log in or create a free website account to access these and other materials.
Welcome and Introduction Jonathan Weiner Professor and Director, Center for Population Health IT Mark Cochran Executive Director, Johns Hopkins HealthCare Solutions
Analytics & Big Data in Support of the Social and Medical Health of Populations: The ACG System Today and Tomorrow Jonathan P. Weiner, DrPH Professor […]
Achieving Population Health Surveillance with ACG System Outputs Ines Vigil MD, MPH, MBA VP, Advanced Analytics Priority Health Martha Sylvia PhD, MBA, RN […]
ACG System as a key factor for a PHM program Pepa Soriano Leader of the Population Management Program at Ribera Salud
Meridian Member Clinical Profile Sokchay Chiv Director Population Health Strategies and Analytics
Exploring & Understanding Impacts of Risk Adjustment Across Regions Jonathan Mathieu, PhD, Vice President for Research and Compliance and Chief Economist Center for Improving Value […]
Assessing the Effects of a Demonstrated Integrated Outpatient Care Program(IOCP) on Geriatric Patients Whom Suffered by Multiple Chronic Diseases Ching Wen Chien, Ph.D. Professor Tsing […]
Defining and assessing geriatric risk factors and associated health care utilization among older adults using claims and electronic health records Hong J. Kan, PhD, MPP, […]
Health care costs and utilization associated with high-risk prescription opioid use H-Y CHANG, H KHARRAZI, D BODYCOMBE, J P WEINER, G C ALEXANDER Johns Hopkins […]
ACG System and value-based contracting Ryan Morton, Analyst DataSmartSolutions
The Dutch Health System’s Journey: the ACG test from a silo killer perspective Jacob Hofdijk Founding Partner Q-Consultzorg
Measurement of health organisation performance across multiple sector services: a population health analytic perspective Stephen Sutch DrPH, Alan Thompson MS, Chad Abrams MA Johns Hopkins […]
Examining regional variation in health care spending in Colombia Sergio I. Prada, PhD PROESA Universidad ICESI
Evaluation and revision model for primary healthcare reimbursement system with ACG®System Marcus Lindvall, MSc Founder Ensolution AB, Sweden
A Comparison of Risk Adjustment Models Using Traditional Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Predicting Health Care Costs in Older Adults Hong Kan, PhD, MPP, […]
Data as an Influencer to Key Partners Collaborative Healthcare Reform Mary Delaney Founder and President Vital Incite
Mutual understanding: The complex health state Lennart Carlsson MSc, MPH, PhD Karolinska Institutet DepofNeurobiology, Care Sciences and Society Div of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Visualizing ACG System-Based Population Health Assessment Data for NCQA Accreditation in QlikView Hang Yue, Shannon Murphy, Hemalatha George, Sarah Kachur Population Health Research and Development […]
Population Profiling to Support a New Model of Clinical Delivery Sangeeta Saran NHS Slough Clinical Commissioning Group
Two longitudinal approaches with ACG System v12: History of EDCs and using registry data (v12 update) Stephen Sutch, DR.P.H. Johns Hopkins HealthCare Solutions […]
Re-engineering the RX-MGs David Bodycombe, M.SC, SC.D. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Condition Identification and Control Assessment using Laboratory Data: A Refinement of Risk Measurement in the ACG System Klaus Lemke Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public […]
Expansion of the NYU emergency department (ED) visit classification: A framework for a retrospective review of ED utilization Klaus Lemke Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of […]
ED Visit Classification Using ACG System Shannon Murphy Senior Analyst, Population Health Research & Development Johns Hopkins HealthCare
Data to Insights Quickly – Getting Started with Johns Hopkins ACG System Brian Norris MBA, RN-BC, FHIMSS Vice President of Data and Analytics OurHealth
The first results of using the ACG System in Dutch General Practice Marc Bruijnzeels PhD LUMC-Campus The Hague/Jan van Es Institute Almere
Inter-Relationship Between Frailty & Multimorbidity in East Berkshire, UK Alan Thompson, MSc Johns Hopkins Healthcare Solutions Sangeeta Saran NHS Slough Clinical Commissioning Group […]
The Population Health Model POPULATION SEGMENTATION: A NEW WAY OF CARE MANAGEMENT Melinda Cumby CareSource Justin Stebbins CareSource
Hybridization of ACG® System Runs–One Size Doesn’t Fit All Marty Bendy Medical University of South Carolina Seray Gardner Medical University of South Carolina
Visualization of Population Health Data: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Data Points Aaron Blumkin, MS nextgen healthcare
Social Determinants, Clinical Data, and ACG System: Developing a Care Management Impact Score Michael Simon, PhD Principal Data Scientist Arcadia
Recalibrating the ACG System Predictive models & developing new models based on emerging priorities within the UK NHS Stephen Sutch DrPH Johns Hopkins Healthcare Solutions […]
Combining ACG System and Cost per Patient Data for Multiple Analyses Andreas Johannson, M.Sc. Chairman Ensolution AB, Sweden
Evaluating the Impact of Prescription Fill Rates on Risk Stratification Model Performance Hong J. Kan, PhD, MPP, MA Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Center […]
Prediction of Risk Scores of Patients with Incomplete Claims History Zezhen Qiu Business Intelligence Engineer MVP Health Care
Impact of Inaccurate Coding on ACG System Analytics Yanyan Lu Johns Hopkins HealthCare
Predictive Modeling–Working with Incomplete Data Pharmacy Claims Enhance Conventional Risk Prediction Manon Ruben AlignCare Product Development Stephen Jackson AlignCare Chief Executive
The Changing Face of Population-based Analytics Since the Advent of the ACG System Manon Ruben AlignCare Product Development
Maximizing Value from Technology & Informatics Investments Engineering Integrated but Transformational Solutions Dwight Raum Johns Hopkins University & Health System VP & Chief Technology Officer […]