
Medicaid managed care payment rates in 1998

Published: May 1, 1999
Category: Bibliography > Papers
Authors: Holahan J, Rangarajan S, Schirmer M
Countries: United States
Language: null
Types: Care Management
Settings: Academic

Health Aff 18:217-227.

Urban Institute, Washington, DC, USA

This paper reports on a new survey of state Medicaid managed care payment rates. We collected rate data for Medicaid’s Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)/Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and poverty-related populations and made adjustments to make the data comparable across states. The results show a slightly more than twofold variation in capitation rates among states, caused primarily by fee-for-service spending levels and demographics. There is a very low correlation between the variation in Medicaid capitation rates among states and the variations in Medicare’s adjusted average per capita cost. The data are not sufficient to answer questions about the adequacy of rates but should help to further policy discussions and research.

PMID: 10388218

Cost Burden Evaluation,Payment,United States,Contract Services/economics,Data Collection,Education,Medical,Graduate/economics,Fee-For-Service Plans/statistics & numerical data,Gender,Health Care Costs,Reimbursement,Disproportionate Share,State Health Plans/statistics & numerical data

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