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Winnipeg, MB, Canada: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy.
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
The health and development of Manitoba’s children were examined in this report. It was conducted at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) on behalf of Manitoba Health and at the request of the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet. This report was meant to support and add value to the five–year Healthy Child Manitoba report, to be released in December 2012.
The main objective of this report was to provide a description of how Manitoba children are doing in the following four areas:
We used information in the Population Health Research Data Repository, a comprehensive population–based data repository developed and maintained by MCHP on behalf of the province of Manitoba. We examined key indicators in the above four areas that could be assessed over time using data from the MCHP Repository. Other objectives included examining how rates of indicators differ by age groups, income quintiles, and over time and gaining a greater understanding of factors influencing child outcomes.
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