
Effect of premium, copayments, and health status on the choice of health plans

Published: October 1, 2008
Category: Bibliography > Papers
Authors: Campbell CR, Khan M, Naessens JM, Pautz RA, Shah ND, Wagie A
Countries: United States
Language: null
Types: Care Management
Settings: Health Plan

Med Care 46:1033-1040.

Division of Health Care Policy & Research, Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

OBJECTIVE: Explore effects of comorbidity and prior health care utilization on choice of employee health plans with different levels of cost sharing.

DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Mayo Clinic employees in Rochester, Minnesota (MCR) under age 65 in January 2004; N = 20,379.

STUDY DESIGN: Assessment of a natural experiment where self-funded medical care benefit options were changed to contain costs within a large medical group practice. Before the change, most employees were enrolled in a plan with first dollar coverage, while 18% had a plan with copays and deductibles. In 2004, 3 existing plans were replaced by 2 new options, one with lower premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs and the other with higher premiums, a lower coinsurance rate, and lower out-of-pocket maximums.

DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: Data on employees were merged across insurance claims, medical records, eligibility files, and employment files for 2003 and 2004.

PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: As the number of chronic comorbidities among family members increased, the probability of choosing high-premium option also increased. Seventy-two percent of employees with at least 1 family member with comorbidity chose the high-cost option versus 54.7% of employees with no comorbidities. High-premium and low-premium plans seem to subdivide population into discrete risk categories, which may adversely affect the future stability of the insurance plan options.

CONCLUSIONS: Various factors affect decision making of employees regarding the choice of plan with different levels of cost-sharing. In a natural experiment setting where all options were redesigned, the health status of employees and their dependents played a very significant role in plan choice.

Comment in Med Care. 2008 Oct;46(10):1012-4.

PMID: 18815524

Capitation,Payment,Population Markers,Practice Patterns Comparison,United States,Adult,Attitude to Health,Chronic Diseases/economics,Co-morbidity,Consumer Behavior/statistics & numerical data,Cost Sharing/classification,Family Health,Fees and Charges,Gender,Group Practice/organization & administration,Health Benefit Plans,Employee/utilization,Health Services Research,Insurance Pools,Middle Aged,Minnesota,Risk

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