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Cost benefit analysis of pharmaceutical care in a Medicaid population – from a budgetary perspective

Published: May 1, 1998
Category: Bibliography > Reports
Authors: Lai LL, Sorkin AL
Countries: United States
Language: null
Types: Care Management, Finance/Budgeting
Settings: Health Plan

J Managed Care Pharm 4:303-308.

Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA

The objective was to evaluate the economic impact of Medicaid pharmaceutical care services delivered to patients in four hospital-based primary care outpatient clinics in Baltimore, Maryland. Through cost benefit analysis, sensitivity analysis, and measurement of net present value of program benefits, the authors concluded that pharmaceutical care services demonstrated significant program benefits to the Medicaid population. The net present value of program benefits was $724,203.70 for 437 study patients, for average benefits of $1 ,657.20 per patient for 10 future years at a 4% discount rate. The study concluded that if this program were expanded to all Maryland Medicaid patients who are adults, noninstitutionalized, and receiving drug therapy, the state could save as much as $22 million in the next fiscal year.

Cost Burden Evaluation,Prescription Drug Use and Expenditure,Targeted Program,United States,Medicaid,Cost Benefit Analysis,Sensitivity Analysis,Pharmaceutical care,ACG case-mix adjustment

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