
Characteristics and risk factors associated with high-cost Medicaid recipients

Published: October 1, 2004
Category: Bibliography > Papers
Authors: Cluxton RJ, Guo JJ, Heaton PC, Ho M, Ludke RL, Moomaw CJ
Countries: United States
Language: null
Types: Care Management
Settings: Academic, Hospital

Manag Care Interface 17:20-27.

College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA

Characteristics and risk factors of fee-for-service Medicaid patients (age 65 yr) with high health care costs were assessed by analyzing Ohio’s Mediaid claims database. High-cost recipients were defined as those with average monthly Medicaid expenses at or above the 90th percentile. The records of 10,582 high-cost patients and 11,045 comparison patients were examined for clinical comorbidity, mortality status, enrollment, and demographic factors, using logistic and logarithmic multiple regression. Researchers found that a Medicaid recipient had the greatest odds of being in the following groups: dying (odds ratio = 4.0), disabled (2.2), urban resident (1.8), and male (1.3). They concluded that state and federal efforts to control Medicaid expenditures should focus on those high-costrecipients and examine their service utilization.

PMID: 15535074

Resource Utilization,Co-morbidity,Cost Burden Evaluation,Population Markers,United States,Gender,Health Services Research,Middle Aged,Risk Factors,Ohio

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