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A retrospective evaluation of the behaviour of groups under out-patient care at a health center

Published: January 1, 1998
Category: Bibliography > Papers
Authors: De la Cuesta S, Garcia Ruiz AJ, Garcia Ruiz MC, Hormigo Pozo A, Martos Crespo F, Montesinos Galvez AC, Prados-Torres A
Countries: Spain
Language: null
Types: Population Health
Settings: Hospital

Aten Primaria 21:36-42. Published in Spanish.

Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública de Granada, Granada, Spain

OBJECTIVES: To study and analyse the Out-Patient Care Groups (OCGs), and evaluate how they affect use of health resources.

DESIGN: An observational, retrospective study.

SETTING: Ciudad Jardín Health Centre, Málaga.

PARTICIPANTS: 2999 patients with a clinical history opened before 31.12.95, chosen from 5 of the 17 medical lists at the Health Centre, were included.

RESULTS: The statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS software package of the Calculation Centre at Málaga University. A descriptive test produced the following results: 33% of the patients were classified in OCG 41 (combination of 2 or 3 out-patient diagnosis groups in people over 34); 19% belonged to groups of stable or unstable chronic illnesses (OCGs 8, 9 and 10); and 9% had acute children’s diseases. Then multiple regression constructed a model with the OCGs as independent variable and annual visits, further tests performed and referral to specialists as dependent variables. In this model the OCGs were able to explain 20.3% of resource consumption.

CONCLUSIONS: In the retrospective study and with a limited sample of 2999 patients, the OCGs are able to explain 20.3% of resource consumption. However, it does seem a valid model for discriminating between normal and over-using patients.

Comment in: [The importance of the data quality in the validation of the ACG case mix. Ambulatory care groups]. [Aten Primaria. 1998]

PMID: 9557355

Practice Patterns Comparison,Resource Use,Spain,Total Disease Burden,Retrospective Studies

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