
A systematic review of case-mix models for home health care payment: Making sense of variation

Published: January 2, 2020
Category: Bibliography
Authors: Anne O.E. van den Bulck, Arianne M.J. Elissen, Dirk Ruwaard, Maud Korte, Misja C. Mikkers, Silke F. Metzelthin
Countries: Canada, Germany, New Zealand, United States
Language: English
Types: Care Management, Population Health
Settings: Health Plan, Specialist



Case-mix based payment of health care services offers potential to contain expenditure growth and simultaneously support needs-based care provision. However, limited evidence exists on its application in home health care (HHC). Therefore, this study aimed to synthesize available international literature on existing case-mix models for HHC payment.


We performed a systematic review of scientific literature, supplemented with grey literature. We searched for literature using six scientific databases, reference lists, expert consultation, and targeted websites. Data on study design, case-mix model attributes, and conclusions were extracted narratively.


Of 3303 references found, 22 scientific studies and 27 grey documents met eligibility criteria. Eight case-mix models for HHC were identified, from the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Germany. Three countries have implemented a case-mix model as part of a HHC payment system. Different combinations of in total 127 unique case-mix predictors are included across models to predict HHC use. Case-mix models also differ in targeted services, operationalization, and outcome measures and predictive power.


Case-mix based payment is not yet widely used within HHC. Multiple varieties were found between HHC case-mix models, and no one best form of a model seems to exist. Even though varieties are partly inevitable due to country-specific contexts, developing a shared vision in case-mix model attributes would be key to achieving efficient, needs-based HHC.

HHC, case-mix, home health care

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